• 3 Affordable At Home Teeth Whitening Techniques

    Having teeth that are discolored can make you self-conscious of your smile when around other people. If professional teeth whitening is not within your budget, you may be considering treatments you can do at home on your own. These three techniques use things you may already have around your home as well. Coconut Oil Pulling It may seem strange, but you can actually whiten your teeth using coconut oil. The idea is that the lauric acid found in the coconut oil will eliminate the bacteria in plaque, which is what makes your teeth look yellow.
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  • Visi Your Parent in the Nursing Home to Prevent Elder Abuse

    Placing your parent in a nursing home may be the smartest decision for your parent's health and safety, but it can also be a worrisome experience for you. Nursing home abuse happens often, but there are ways you can prevent it and reduce the chances of abuse happening to your parent. The best strategy is to frequently visit your parent at the nursing home. Planning your visits Research shows that nursing home residents that get frequent visitors are less likely to be abused or neglected during their stay.
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  • Going Through Menopause And Hot All The Time? Things You Can Do To Cool Down

    Going through menopause can lead to hot flashes. When a woman has a hot flash, she feels a quick feeling of heat, sweating, and sometimes gets a flushed, red face. If you are having this problem, you should know there are things you can do to help you feel better. Hormone Replacement Therapy Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be able to help you with your hot flashes. Your doctor may suggest this treatment if your body has low progesterone and estrogen hormone levels due to menopause.
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  • What Not To Do If You Have Varicose Veins

    Varicose veins usually appear on middle-aged or older women. Sometimes men get them, but their appearance is usually more disliked by women. If you're a woman with varicose veins, here is some advice on what not to do to help from making them worse. Bathe in the Sun If you have varicose veins or the beginnings of varicose veins, or spider veins, avoid exposure to the sun. Getting too much sun will enlarge spider veins by breaking down the collagen beneath the skin.
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  • Understanding Your Newborn's Sleep Cycle

    Any new parent is all too familiar with the seemingly random sleep cycle of their newborn. Newborns do not know what day and night is, and frequently wake after sleeping for as little as half an hour. By understanding what to expect from your newborn's sleeping habits, you will be better prepared as a new parent juggling newborn care. Are There Sleep Patterns With Newborns? Your child's sleep patterns may seem random, but there is some rhyme and reason to them.
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  • Can HCG Injections Help You Get Pregnant?

    Some women have a harder time conceiving children. However, fertility treatments make its more possible for you to become a parent. Read on to find out if HCG injections can help you conceive. What is HCG? HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It is a hormone that helps with the maturation process of an egg in a female's ovary. This hormone provokes the discharge of the egg during ovulation. It increases sperm count in men and is used as a treatment for women who are unable to conceive.
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  • Music Hertz Your Hearing: How Earbuds And Headphones Negatively Impact Your Hearing

    Most people would assume that it is only older people who suffer from hearing loss. However, it is possible for young children, teens and younger adults to suffer hearing damage as well. There are many reasons for this, such as an injury, but it can also occur from listening to loud music. In fact, 50 percent of participants in a recent study were found to listen to music at decibels that are considered unsafe.
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  • PEMF Therapy: a Natural Approach for Treating Chronic Pain

    Back injuries can leave people in pain for the rest of their lives, and this type of pain can be unbearable. If you can relate and are tired of living in pain, you may want to consider looking into a holistic approach for pain relief, and one option you have is to find a doctor that offers PEMF therapy. This is a newer approach for pain relief, and here are three things you should know about it.
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  • Dos And Don'ts Of Dealing With Mobility Aid Users

    Do you have a friend who has started using crutches? Do you know how to handle the situation when your relative brings their walker when they come for a visit? Have you met a new co-worker that's in a wheelchair? If you've never been around someone with limited mobility, you may feel awkward or socially inept. Here are some dos and don'ts to help you with the situation:  Do ask permission before touching someone's wheelchair: The wheelchair is the personal space of the user and should be respected as if it's part of their body.
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  • How To Avoid Extra Sodium In Your Diet And Still Enjoy The Benefits Of A Water Softener

    If your doctor asks you to cut back on your salt/sodium intake, the last thing you want is to discover that your softened water is contributing to higher sodium levels. Because most water softener companies use rock salt to soften water, you may be getting extra salt or sodium in your diet than you thought. You do not want to give up the benefits of a water softener, but you want better health.
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