Everything You Need To Know About Getting A Free Breast Pump Through Insurance
Posted on: 27 February 2023
Being a new mom can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to breastfeeding. The process can be difficult for some women, but breast pumps can help. Thankfully, you can get a breast pump covered by insurance. Here's what you need to know.
How Do You Know if Your Breast Pump Is Covered by Insurance?
The best way to find out if your specific insurance company covers a free breast pump is to call and ask them directly. When speaking with an agent, make sure you have all of the necessary information ready such as your policy number, specific details about your coverage, and any other relevant information that might be helpful in determining what type of pump you are eligible for and how many pumps are covered under your policy.
How Many Free Breast Pumps Can You Get Through Insurance?
Your insurance plan may cover one or more pumps depending on the policy and what state you live in. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), both Medicaid and private health plans are required to cover one breast pump per pregnancy. Some states have passed laws that require private insurers to provide multiple pumps throughout the year. However, this varies from state to state and from plan to plan. It is best to check with your provider or insurer directly for clarification on how many pumps they will cover during your pregnancy.
When Should You Order Your Free Breast Pump Covered by Insurance?
Most insurance companies recommend that you order your free breast pump several weeks before your baby is due, just in case there are any delays or complications with shipping. Ordering early gives you time to make sure everything works properly before you need it for feeding purposes. Additionally, ordering ahead of time allows you enough time to understand how to use a breast pump and select any additional accessories, like bottles or shields, that you may need for successful pumping sessions.
Do You Get A Free Breast Pump With Every Pregnancy?
Unlike a baby shower, where you typically only get one, your insurance should cover one free breast pump per pregnancy, regardless of whether it's your first or fourth baby.
Babies are expensive, and getting a free breast pump covered by insurance can be a relief to many parents. It allows new moms to save money while ensuring their babies receive the best possible start when it comes time for nursing.