Getting Used To The Idea Of Pediatric Speech Therapy

Posted on: 22 April 2021


For many families, the idea of pediatric speech therapy is barely even a thought. Most people do not expect that their child might need therapy for speech, but it's actually quite common. Many people seek therapy for their children because of pediatric speech concerns.

Are you considering speech therapy for your child? Here's what you should know.

What Kind of Communication Can a Therapist Help With?

A pediatric speech therapist can help with several types of language skills. For one, they work on your child's ability to speak, including improving their articulation and addressing any disorders of the voice.

These therapists also help your child with receptive language, which is the process of understanding information. For example, your child may need help interpreting directions and putting them in action.

Finally, therapists also help with expressive language. This is the process of creating ideas with words. For instance, your child might first be saying words like "toy" or "food," but they can learn to say full sentences.

What Are the Signs Your Child Should See a Pediatric Speech Therapist?

A speech therapist can help your child if you spot any difficulty with speech fluency, like stuttering. You might also notice that your child struggles with making certain sounds or focusing on specific letters. A child might also seem to struggle with understanding information when it is spoken.

Physical disorders can also be helped with a therapist. For instance, your child may struggle to swallow solid foods safely. Speech therapists can help determine what could be causing this problem.

What Happens During a Therapy Session?

Each session with a therapist is different because children have different needs. Typically, the first meeting will be an assessment of the child's current abilities and challenges. The therapist will help create a plan to address the specific challenges your child experiences with speech and swallowing.

During a session, the therapist might encourage a child to play with a toy while articulating what they are doing. This helps a child build functional language skills. In other cases, children learn how to mimic sounds so they can speak clearly.

Often, much of the hard work is done at home. A professional may offer your child homework to build language skills at home.

Speak with a Pediatric Speech Therapist

Are you ready to help your child through the challenges of speech? Help is available. Contact a pediatric speech therapist for more information about helping your child with any challenges as they arise.

For more information, reach out to a pediatric speech therapy center in your area.