3 Things To Consider About The Cost Of Lasik
Posted on: 16 December 2019
Lasik is also known as laser eye surgery. It's a method used by eye doctors to permanently cure blurry vision caused by myopia or farsightedness. During Lasik, the surface of your eye will be carefully reshaped using a laser. This procedure is fast and painless. Once it's completed, you'll never have to worry about getting new glasses or contact lenses ever again. Unfortunately, laser eye surgery isn't covered by most health insurance plans, which means you will need to pay for it out of pocket. Here are three things to consider when it comes to paying for Lasik surgery:
1. You can view it as an investment.
According to QualSight Lasik, Lasik cost around $2,259 per eye as of 2017. This is a significant amount of money, but it isn't very expensive when you consider the money you will save over the rest of your lifetime. Laser eye surgery is a permanent solution to reduced vision. You will no longer need to pay for new prescription glasses or contact lenses, which can easily cost a couple hundred dollars each year.
2. You can have one eye treated at a time.
If you're concerned about the cost of laser eye surgery, you should know that having one eye treated at a time is also an option. You can elect to have Lasik performed on your dominant eye initially, then continue to wear contact lenses in your other eye. Some people prefer this method of treatment, especially if they have reservations about ocular surgery. While laser eye surgery is very safe, some people have anxiety about complications. Treating one eye at a time can soothe these fears, while also giving you more time to save the money for the second surgery.
3. You can choose Lasik financing.
Some optometrists offer financing options for laser eye surgery. If you have a steady source of income but find that paying thousands of dollars upfront isn't feasible for you, you are a good candidate for Lasik financing. Talk to your eye doctor about creating a payment plan, if that's an option that they offer. If your optometrist doesn't offer financing directly, you can still receive it from alternate sources. Medical financing companies exist to help you pay for elective surgeries such as Lasik. You can apply for financing and receive an approval within a short window of time. Most financing plans offer no interest rates as long as you pay off your surgery within the agreed-upon period of time.