Going Through IVF Treatment? How To Prepare For Your Egg Transfer
Posted on: 14 August 2017
No matter what anyone says, IVF treatments are a lot of work. They require a lot of advance preparation if you want to ensure a positive outcome. In addition to the instructions you'll receive from your doctor, there are some other steps you can take to increase your chances of becoming pregnant after an egg transfer. Here are just a few of the tricks you can use to get ready for your egg transfer.
Take a Vacation
When it comes to a successful egg transfer, keeping calm, avoiding stress, and relaxing are three of the most important steps you can take prior to, and right after, your egg transfer. One way to obtain all three is to take a vacation. Get away from everything and relax before your appointment. That doesn't mean you need to leave town, but it does mean you need to step away from things. Check into a hotel, order room service, and watch funny movies for a couple days. Anything to give yourself some time to unwind and prepare.
Focus on Your Health
If you've been wanting to lose a couple of pounds, or enroll in a yoga class, now's the time to do that. Your body will be going through a lot of changes during IVF treatment, and it will need you to be as healthy as possible. This is also a good time to look at your diet and make any changes that need to be made. For instance, now's a good time to stop using artificial sweeteners, and avoiding processed foods. It's also a good time to cut back on the alcoholic beverages. First, it will help improve your chances of a successful egg transfer. Second, cutting back now will make it easier for you to abstain from it once you become pregnant.
Listen to the Doctor
During IVF, and egg transfer, you're going to have a lot of people with well-intention advice. It's important to remember that the one person you should be listening to is your doctor. When you have questions and concerns about the procedure, talk to your doctor. It's a good idea to keep a journal. Use that journal to write down any questions you might have. Bring your journal with you to each appointment. That way you can remember what you want to ask the doctor. You can write the answers down in your journal. This will allow you to refer back to the questions you asked, and the answers you received.