Experience The Health Benefits Of Edible Green Tea Leaves

Posted on: 11 July 2016


Enjoying a cold glass of green tea is refreshing, but have you ever considered eating it? Edible green tea leaves don't just taste satisfying, they are also packed with powerful benefits. If you're looking to get your health back on track, consider adding in some green tea leaves to your diet.

Help Control Diabetes

Uncontrolled diabetes can be life-threatening. For some people, a well-balanced diet coupled with prescription medication is enough to keep their glucose levels on target. For others, this isn't enough. Eating green tea leaves may be of aid, as green tea can help slow the elevation of blood sugar levels after eating. This is important because the slower the rise, the less likely your insulin levels are to spike, which can be dangerous.

Better Manage Cholesterol

There is both good and bad cholesterol. Your body naturally produces all the good cholesterol you need, but certain foods introduce bad cholesterol into your body. When it comes to the bad form, elevated levels of cholesterol are often a precursor to stroke, heart disease and peripheral artery disease; all of which can be fatal in some cases. Consuming green tea can help decrease your bad cholesterol levels and establish a more proportionate rate between your good and bad cholesterol.

Lower Blood Pressure Risk

High blood pressure can affect anyone; however, there are certain people who are at an increased risk. Obese people, African-Americans and those with a family history of high blood pressure are all at an increased risk for this disease. If you fall into this category, consider incorporating green tea leaves into your diet. While green tea won't cure you, it can lower your risk.  With proper lifestyle changes and green tea, you can set yourself on the right course.

Eating Green Tea

Understand that the green tea leaves you consume are not the same as the green tea you brew for drinking. Edible green tea leaves should be certified organic. Non-organic options, including some leaves for tea brewing, typically contain toxins from pesticides, fertilizers and other agriculture treatments which diminish many of its health benefits. It's also important to think long-term when eating green tea.

For instance, you have to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet regularly to experience their benefits, and the same is true when it comes to green tea leaves. Lastly, always speak with your healthcare provider before introducing them into your diet. Green tea does contain caffeine and it may interact with certain medications. It's wise to speak with a physician to determine what your daily caffeine threshold is as to not overdose and cause health complications.

You play the most important role when it comes to maintaining your good health. In addition to your green tea consumption, make certain you are following a healthy diet and staying active for the best result.