Pregnancy And Asthma: Factors You Should Consider

Posted on: 22 September 2016


When you are planning to start a family and have children, there are many factors to consider in the process. As a woman, your health is one of those primary considerations. After all, if you are going to carry a child, your health needs to be well-maintained so that your child is born as healthy as possible. If you suffer from asthma, you may wonder whether or not this chronic inflammatory condition of the bronchial passages will have an effect upon your ability to become pregnant or have a healthy pregnancy and child. Get to know some of the important facts to consider when you are planning to get pregnant and you have asthma so that you can be sure to have all of the facts and take the best possible care of your health and the health of your future child.

Asthma May Increase How Long It Takes You To Get Pregnant

The length of time it takes a woman to get pregnant once she decides to try to do so can vary a great deal. Some women are lucky enough to get pregnant during the first month of trying. However, many other women go several months or even years before they are able to conceive. According to studies performed in Denmark, women who suffer from asthma may be more prone to having to try for longer to get pregnant.

If you have asthma and are planning to try to get pregnant, you may want to take this possibility into account. According to the study, 27 percent of women with asthma stated that it took them a year or more to get pregnant. So, be sure that you consider the fact that it may take you a significant amount of time to get pregnant when you are making your plans to start trying.

Asthma May Also Have An Effect On Fertility Treatment Success

In addition to impacting the amount of time it can take for a woman to get pregnant, suffering from asthma can also have a significant impact on how successful the different fertility treatments may be. When trying to conceive a child through in vitro or other fertility treatment options, women with asthma had far lower positive results.

For example, according to the data, it took women with asthma an average of 55.6 months to successfully become pregnant compared to 32.2 months in women without asthma. On top of that, women with asthma had lower rates of success in becoming pregnant. For women without asthma, the average was at 60.4 percent while women with asthma only had a success rate of 39.6 percent.

Do not be discouraged if you are using fertility treatments and they take longer when you suffer from asthma. Time, patience, and the proper maintenance of your asthma, along with your fertility treatments, can help you successfully achieve those goals.

Now that you know a bit more about how your asthma may affect your desire to get pregnant, you can be sure that you keep these facts in mind and work with your doctors to make the process as easy as possible. For information on how to treat your asthma, contact a company like Aerospan RX.